Internationale partners ICN [international competition network] index
ArchitectenWerk is een van de eerste leden van ICN, een internationaal samenwerkings verband van - nu 31 - domains met informatie op het gebied van architecten, architectuur en competities.

[ArchitectenWerk is one of the first members of ICN, a worldwide collaboration of - now 31 - domains with information about architects, architecture and competitions.]
Deelnemende landen [participating countries] architectuur

Argentinie [argentina]

Australie [australia]
- Archioz

Belgie [belgium]
- ArchGuide

see also: arcandpro be

Bolivia [bolivia]
- ArquiBol

Canada [canada]
- Zone 1

Cariben [carribean]
- Periferia

China [china]
- Design Online

Chili [chile]

Colombia [colombia]
- Arquicol

Denemarken [denmark]
- ByggeInfo

see also: arcandpro dk

Duitsland [germany]
- No ICN-partner yet

see also: arcandpro de

Ecuador [ecuador]
- Trama

Engeland [united kingdom]
- Archinet

see also: arcandpro uk

Frankrijk [france]
- Aleph . Kubos

Ierland [ireland]
- ArchEire

see also: arcandpro ie

India [india]
- Arch'India

Indonesie [indonesia]
- Arsitektur

Israel [israel]
- ArchiJob

Italie [italy]
- Arch'it

Japan [japan]
- Telescoweb

Korea [korea]
- Indiworld

Mexico [mexico]
- Arquired

Nederland [the netherlands]
- ArchitectenWerk

see also: arcandpro nl

Noorwegen [norway]
- No ICN-partner yet

see also: arcandpro no

Oostenrijk [austria]
- Nextroom

see also: arcandpro at

Peru [peru]
- ArquiPeru

Rusland [russia]
- Forma

Spanje [spain]
- Internet Architecture Zone

Thailand [thailand]
- Architecture Asia

Turkije [turkey]
- Arkitera

Verenigde Staten [usa]
- Death by Architecture

see also: arcandpro usa

Zuid Afrika [south africa]
- ArchiWeb SA

Zweden [sweden]
- ArchiHub stopped their activities

see also: arcandpro se

Zwitserland [switzerland]
- Vitruvio

see also: arcandpro ch


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