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Van Schijndel House
Pieterskerkhof - Utrecht
Architect: Mart van Schijndel (1943-1999).
See also the new website about Mart van Schijndel

The house is an enclosed oasis in an inner courtyard in the heart of the inner city. It can be understood as a 'reversed' patio dwelling within an enclosure. The light streams in generously through big glass surfaces, but the interior remains out of sight. The floor plan is based on two connecting lines, which run from the corners on the northern side to the middle of the southern facade. This created a triangular light well surrounded by two patio-like inner gardens. With the help of two-stage hinges, one of three glass partition walls which forms a sharp corner (narrower than 90 degrees) can be turned completely outward, so that the patios and light well form a whole. On the southern side of this transparent part is a low block with the living room, study and workshop. A higher block is located on the northern side with kitchen and sanitary facilities on the ground floor and bedroom, guestroom and bathroom on the first floor. All the ceilings and walls are painted in gentle colours, according to the principles of the compass card. Most experimental and exceptional detail in the house is the glass doors that hinge on silicone glue, with which they are 'hung' on their stainless steel frames.
[photo above: Jan Derwig, photos below: Olivier Pannier des Touches, Paris]

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